Manual Dosing Systems MDS
MDS (manual dosing systems) are used in places where it is impossible or not necessary to perform the automation of dosage, it works on a manual basis with manual valves and manually configured parameters.
MDS (manual dosing systems) are used in places where it is impossible or not necessary to perform the automation of dosage, it works on a manual basis with manual valves and manually configured parameters.
Chlorination by flow is used for waters having stable biochemical quality (such as ground waters, well waters etc.) when water flow is changing in time. Commonly this type of chlorination is implemented for “basic chlorination” when raw water of similar quality is gathered in one water plant. Once established chlorine demand (chlorine consumption of certain […]
Water treated with chlorine in general have variable biochemical composition therefore sometimes is spent less and sometimes more chlorine for initial disinfection. The remaining chlorine occurs as a “residual”, and it is held on requested level by automatic regulation. Sigma Automatic Dosing Systems completely satisfy all requirements for high quality and reliable drinking water chlorination […]
MDS22+ je manualni dozirni sistem sa cetiri pumpe I manualnim ozracavanjem kapaciteta 120l/h pri 2.5 bara
MDS22 je manualni dozirni sistem sa cetiri pumpe I manualnim ozracavanjem kapaciteta 60/h pri 5 bara
MDS11+ je manualni dozirni sistem sa dve pumpe I manualnim ozracavanjem kapaciteta 60l/h pri 2.5 bara
MDS11 je manualni dozirni sistem sa dve pumpe I manualnim ozracavanjem kapaciteta 30l/h pri 5 bara.
MDS1+ je manualni dozirni sistem sa jednom pumpom I manuelnim ozracavanjem kapaciteta 30l/h pri 2.5 bara
MDS1 je manualni dozirni sistem sa jednom pumpom I manualnim ozracavanjem kapaciteta 15l/h pri 5 bara
ADSP22+ je automatski dozirni sistem po protoku sa dve radne i dve rezervne pumpe kapaciteta 60 l/h na 2,5 bara, automatski prema trenutnom protoku, određuje i dozira natrijum hipohlorit (NaOCl) u vodovodni sistem. Maksimalna kolicina vode koja se sa njim moze hlorisati u zavisnosti od hlorne potrebe je 166 l/s. Karakteristike sistemaAutomatski Dozirni Sistem […]